This script is written for texture artists. It automatically saves image from your PSD, appended with a custom suffix which can be assigned to different hotkeys. (support .TGA, .PNG, .BMP, .TIF, .DDS)
To install, simply extract to your photoshop directory.
flexible export/import commandline script - Including a custom obj/fbx exporter, smoothgroup support, bake cage, vertexnormals, correct uv's and much more.
Read bundled PDF for more information.
displays weights visually, bundled with modified max like skinning tools and source code.
automatically refresh textures in maya. (only if they were changed)
colorcodes each mesh in your model, in a new scene - which is used to bake easy selection sets for texturing.
export morphs of foreground mesh into seperate objects in specified directory, including filtering, wildcards and much more.
Open script in notepad to see commands.
a utility that runs alongside photoshop, and fixes the mouse/tablet stutters under vista. (with old PS versions)
universal eyeDropper for paint (airbrush and line tools), set color based on 2d pixel RGB under the cursor, works between multiple programs and layers.
Align a uv island to an edge.
Select the edge you wish to align to, and run script.
Simple script that toggles between your eraser and brush while painting (retains settings). very useful to bind to your wacom's pen button.
Applies the first selected Morph Map, especially useful if binded as context menu for the vertex maps.
Bevels the side edges of a cube into a cylinder, aimed for parallel edges of equal length but can handle nonperfect ones to a degree.
(3ds Max 9)
Makes a materialID for each element in your mesh, and also contains a multicolor material to be applied.
Following with a diffuse bake, it allows quicker selections in photoshop while texturing.
A smart tool that mirrors both UV and Geometry at once.
Made to fix assymetric meshes with relativly small deviations. works by moving verticles to their closest symmetric neighbours (does not change verticle order)
Walkaround for the modo 202 triple bug in symmetry mode.
Transfers uv's between meshes with identical topology based on closest vertex. ideal for zbrush workflow when one wants to alter uv's in the middle of a sculpture.
Aligns elements (verts,edges,polys) to the last selected element, supports symmetry, works across layers.
Based on the script by Allan Kiipli.
Mod replacing plasma weapons, made for personal use.
Link opens a new window with more details.
A spaceship action game project, halted at alpha stage.
Art/programming by myself, music track by avi.
Make sure to read the oxygen.txt before playing !
A nice trick to seperate a 3d shot into shades/highlights, and paint underneath for quick conceptual direction.
An article addressing common issues with normalmaps on hardsurface models, and their solutions on multiple packages.
(Modo 201)
Adding your own custom pallete window, in 2 easy steps.
requires tscc codec.
(XSI 4.2)
Modelling a rope and fitting it on a curve, and using expressions to automate the process.
requires tscc codec.
(XSI 4.2)
Modelling a volleyball and tweaking the bends using operators.
Mapping the Keystation 88 Pro buttons B44-C60, and transport.